Junior Sports Day at Asian Christian High School was filled with energy and excitement. Young athletes participated in races, relays, and fun games, showcasing...
The Kinder Garten Expo at Asian Christian High School was a delightful display of creativity and learning. Little ones showcased their projects, crafts, and...
The Senior Expo at Asian Christian High School showcased students’ creativity and talents through impressive projects and presentations. It was a platform for learning...
Children’s Day at Asian Christian High School was celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm. Students participated in various fun activities, performances, and games. Teachers...
We are excited to announce the upcoming sports tournaments at Asian Christian High School from 11th Nov to 13th Nov.
The National Book Week theme for 2024 is ‘Reading is Magic’. Of course, we think that reading definitely is magic. After all, thanks to...
Welcome to the Junior Expo for Classes 1 to 5! This exciting event showcases the creativity, talent, and learning of our young students. It...
Happy Teachers’ Day! Today, we celebrate the dedication, passion, and hard work of educators who inspire, guide, and shape the future. Your unwavering commitment...